Archive for February, 2010


Series 5 “Vampires in Venace” Script leaked

February 22, 2010

WARNING: The following contains potential spoilers, although the following does not reveal any proper info just some dialouge. Please don’t read if you don’t want spoilers.

Thanks to the good ol’ internet, even more spoilers are being leaked from production of series 5. The latest being an extract from  suposably the sixth episode entitled “Vampires in Venace”. From what we gathered from the S5 trailer there seems to be an episode revolded around vampires, and yes the location seems most likely venice.

Here is a excpert from episode Sixth episode entitled Vampires In Venice written by Toby Whithouse:


I want Rory to see it too. So I’m sending you somewhere. Together.


What, like a date?


Anywhere you want, any time you want. One condition: it has to be amazing. The Moulin Rouge in 1890! The first Olympic games! Think of it as a wedding present. Because frankly it’s either this or tokens.


What do you think Rory?

Rory says nothing. Still hunched against his pillar. The Doctor smiles understandingly. He knows what this is about.


It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it. Tiny box, huge room inside: what’s that about? Let me explain…

Give us your thoughts on this, thank you to Life, Doctor Who and Combom for the image and cheers to Blogter Who for the excpert.


Whatever you do, don’t blink because the Weeping Angels are back!

February 21, 2010

With everybody attention firmly fixed on the next series of Doctor Who, we happened to hear from a little bird that the scariest Dr Who monsters by far are returning for another round at trying to capture the TARDIS.

Yes, the Weeping Angels are back, and as the latest trailer reveals they don’t come in peace. You have to admit with a spine chilling episode such as Blink under his belt, Executive Producer Moffat has to know what he’s doing and with the return of the Weeping Angels it only confirms my faith in him. I was recently asked by a friend what my favourite episode of Dr Who was, and I answered straight away as Blink, plainly becuase it was the scariest episode since…well forever. Regardless of the main veiwers being children as young a 5, Moffat brang forth a geniune and utterly amazing episode that changed the course of Dr Who forever and as the new series looms I can only wait in anticipation as further details appear.


Doctor Who in 3D, hitting Cinemas soon

February 19, 2010

The BBC has commissioned a 3D trailer for cinemas to boost the new series. The trailer featuring Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor and is assistant Amy Pond (Karen Gillian) will be screened reportedly before Alice In Wonderland hits the screen this year.

The converted trailer will be broadcasted on BBC One this weekend (only for our UK readers), who knows whether it will work or not. I personally think it’s a great road to head down, Doctor Who is meant to be the next best thing to getting a time machine – so what better to do then launch it into the new decade by the Doctor hitting us in the face with the force of 3D.

NOTE: Just a reminder for all you non UK readers that this (sadly) does not apply to you and you will have to wait for quiet some time. But for all the UK readers, this trailer will hit the screens soon so be ready when it does.


BBC release several promo pictures for S5

February 18, 2010

The BBC have released a set of promotional pics for S5, these images are available on the Official Doctor Who hompage and can be found here –> .


Paul McGann to visit NZ for Armaggedon expo

February 18, 2010

This years Armaggedon Expo is looking better than ever, after last year having Peter Davison visit us here in New Zealand you couldn’t think it could get any better. But fortunatly the Armaggedon Expo team have set up a very special line up, with the main DW apearance being 8th Doctor Paul McGann.

To date McGann has only starred in one TV movie as the 8th Doctor, but he has also done a number of audio dramas and is featured in his own series of novel adventures. He will be attending all three venues including Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

As per usual he will be singing autographs and taking pictures with fans for both days, but for newcomers you have to remember your wallet because each autograph costs around $30 NZ and photos with him costing about the same (but if your smart you can bring a camera with you as you line up and take a photo of you getting a signature free of charge).

A full list of attendees can be found at Armageddon, as well as dates times and locations. It should be a good event so tune in for more information as it comes. 🙂


New promo pic featuring Matt Smith and Karen Gillian

February 17, 2010

Matt Smith and Karen Gillian (11th Doctor and Amy Pond) are seen here falling through a watery time vortex with Daleks and Weeping Angels surrounding them. This image was released for the upcoming series and can been viewed in a lager format for wallpapers (go to the Wallpapers page).


Moffat brings back some Diehard classics

February 17, 2010

After a long absence from the Doctor Who scene, we may have aswell forgotten about them but no! Loyal fans have been imploring new head executive of Dr Who Steven Moffat to revive those loveable reptiles and low and behold they have done just that! Moffat has crafted them into the upcoming series as one of many monsters to feature in one of this years 13 episodes.

First seen in 1970, The Silurians have only featured in two episodes since now and havent been seen since “Warriors of the Deep” in ’84.

Now remember these things aren’t official as the BBC is yet to confirm the rumours, but Actress Neve McIntosh has said in an interview with the Pethshire Advertiser (Feb 09 2010) that she was playing “twins, and they’re big lizardwarrior women…“They’re one of the Silurian tribes that have been undisturbed under the earth. And of course we get disturbed”. Neve also said she was watching old episodes to understand the Silurians.


Eastenders Actress Nina Wadia to feature in Series 5.

February 17, 2010

In an interview with The Sun, Eastenders actress Nina Wadia said that she will feature in an episode of the 5th series spring this year, She will be playing a Psychiatric Doctor alongside Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.

Nadia said that:”It was brilliant to be let out for a couple of days to do something else and it was great working with Matt Smith.”

“I play a bit of a baddie. And yes, like my EastEnders character Zainab, she’s not a very pleasant woman – but at least I’m human and not some kind of strange alien life-form.”

Nina added: “I play a doctor – more of a psychiatric doctor than a traditional medical one.”

So well just have to wait and see for more details as they reveal themselves.


Doctor Who: The Complete Specials out now!

February 17, 2010

After the long wait, here it is. The Complete Specials, a collection of the 10th Doctors final adventures including The Next Doctor, Planet of Dead, The Waters of Mars and parts 1and 2 of The End of Time. It is available for purchase on Amazon and all good DVD stores ( Whitcoulls or Borders for NZ) for around $70  NZ. Here are a list of suppliers:


First Three 11th Doctor Adventures Named

February 16, 2010

The latest Doctor Who Adventures magazine (Issue #) has revealed the titles of the first three episodes featuring Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor, there are 13 episodes in total and the rest are yet to be revealed.

  • The Eleventh Hour
  • The Beast Below
  • Victory of the Daleks